Double Session- Legislative Update

Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Zoom meeting
Speaker: Susan Gary, JD and Ian Richardson, JD

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Session I

Susan Gary, JD will present “Oregon’s Stewardship Trust – A New Tool for Business Planning.”: Oregon’s stewardship trust statute provides an interesting new tool business planning. Prof. Gary will explain the structure of a stewardship trust and talk about its potential for use by mission-driven businesses and family businesses.  She will also briefly describe possible 2021 legislation on remote online notarization (making the temporary statute permanent), electronic wills, and revisions to the ORS Chapter 111 rules relating to probate administration.

Susan N. Gary, Professor Emerita and formerly Orlando J. and Marian H. Hollis Professor at the University of Oregon School of Law practiced law in Chicago and Brussels, Belgium, before joining the faculty at the University of Oregon. She is a member of the American Law Institute, an Academic Fellow and former Regent of ACTEC, a director of the ACTEC Foundation, and a former member of Council of the Real Property, Trust and Estate Section of the American Bar Association. She served as the Reporter for three drafting committees of the Uniform Law Commission, helping to create the Electronic Wills Act, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, and the Model Protection of Charitable Assets Act. In Oregon she is a Commissioner on the Oregon Law Commission and serves as Reporter for its Probate Modernization Work Group. She has served on the Executive Committees of the Estate Planning Section and the Nonprofit Organizations Law Section of the Oregon State Bar, and she was the first faculty member trustee on the University of Oregon’s Board of Trustees. 

Session II

Ian Richardson, JD, will present “Estate Planning with Retirement Benefits under the SECURE Act.” : This program will provide you with an overview of the SECURE Act and how it works with estate plans that contain tax deferred accounts. The program will focus on: 1) defining new terms under SECURE, 2) effects of the SECURE Act,  3) retirement planning with trusts post-SECURE, and 4) a case study.  By the end of the presentation, you will be able to make the determination of whether this new Act really does Set Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement.


Ian Richardson has been an estate planning and business attorney with the Gleaves Swearingen firm in Eugene, Oregon since 1997.  Ian’s practice includes probate and trust administration, and in his 20+ years at the bar Ian has worked with a wide variety of fiduciaries and beneficiaries.  In addition, Ian serves as general counsel for a variety of local businesses, and in that capacity has developed particular expertise in estate planning and succession planning for business owners and their families.  Ian has served as Chair of the Oregon State Bar Estate Planning and Administrative Section, President of the Eugene Estate Planning Council and the Eugene-Springfield Tax Association, and is a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.

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